Friday, December 13, 2013

Strange North Korea Goings On

If it is true that Jang Song-thaek was close to the Chinese, then his execution is a strange thing.  The report is strangely Stalinesque.

More information comes form Australia:

Mr Jang had visited China on a number of occasions and had been considered the most important advocate of the Chinese style of economic overhaul that the government in Beijing has been urging North Korea to embrace.
At 67, Jang is of the same generation as China's leaders. Unlike the 30-year-old Kim - who has not been to China and who remains a mystery despite the lineage to his grandfather, North Korea's revolutionary founder, Kim Il-sung - Mr Jang was seen by Beijing as a steady hand and a trusted conduit into North Korea's top leadership. He was one of China's few high-level North Korean interlocutors.

One of the biggest mistakes you can make in life is to believe your own PR.  The boy may think he is all he is told he is, and that he does not need China.  China may be carefully working out a change in North Korea.

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