Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Patterson On Detroit as Indian Reservation

Comes a Michigan politician who has hit on a plan:
He said, “What we’re going to do is turn Detroit into an Indian reservation, where we herd all the Indians into the city, build a fence around it, and then throw in the blankets and corn.”
Before I make my point, pause here, and note the subtext...  American Indians are the target of a genocidal plan, one well known, but never mentioned in polite society.  The blankets have smallpox and the corn is GMO.

Now, although the Detroit area was once a native Idyll, it is now known for its African-American majority.  So the reference is to the current situation, with a throwback response.

But let's stick with the "Indian Reservation" idea.  A few years back some prime land in Seattle was claimed by Indians under a treaty that said decommissioned federal lands reverted to Indian corporate ownership.  Of course that agreement too was abrogated, but sometimes living up to agreements can be a good idea for States.

I've also mentioned many times here Detroit should be turned into a Hong Kong style city-state, under a one country, two systems regime.  And like Hong Kong, there is no private ownership of real estate.  The real estate is owned by the Indians, who lease out land in 99 year shots, such as is the case on many reservations across the USA.

This recognizes the land belongs to the Indians, assures the Indians who own the land are able to share it while benefitting from it.  Everyone else is leaseholders or guests of leaseholders (the "guests of" is the de facto immigration policy of Hong Kong, and it would be an excellent de jure policy, assuming there is no welfare provisions.)

How would a transformation work? Anyone with a lease or a title would have a new 99 year lease going back to the date of the title document.  If your "bought" a house in 1976, your are in year 28 of a 99 year lease, and on your 30 year mortgage, you have 2 more years of lease payments.  Unoccupied property is forfeit (and any unused land is lease-forfeit in 3 years), so there is plenty of land for the Indians to lease anew.

For those grandfathered, the leases cannot be transferred.  For new leases, transfers are available for the balance, or leases can be abandoned for 3 years and re-leased.

Banks are not allowed to transfer welfare payments into Detroit.  Now, those who do not care to live in freedom are free to move to USA, out of Detroit, but for the first time in USA history, people will make or break it on the content of their character, instead of race or class.

For their part, the Indians will auction off leases as they come up, and use the revenue to provide what government system they may find best assures their weal.

Freedom, prosperity, peace and justice works for the Communist Party of the People's Republic of China, why not here?

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