Sunday, January 26, 2014

Venezuela Tackles Economic Problems

Sigh...  I guess there just cannot be a revolutionary event in which the result is peace, prosperity and justice.  A revolutionary event is necessarily a policy shift from one group benefitting to another group benefitting.  So it goes from bad to worse.  It is bad in Venezuela, so the plan is to make it worse:

Fair Prices Act, an instrument with which the Government intends Nicolas Maduro control prices and eliminate shortages, entered into force with measures that include a ban on higher profit margins of 30% and penalties of up to 10 years imprisonment for hoarders.Maduro passed the law last November by an enabling law, then using for the first time a mechanism by which it may legislate without parliamentary scrutiny, but was yet to be ratified by the Supreme Court to acquire organic character, which occurred yesterday , said the ruling itself.The law, published in Official Gazette, states that the profit margin will be established annually "addressing scientific criteria" by the National Superintendency for the Protection of Socio-Economic Rights (SUNDDE).

Mish noted this in his column first.  My points are, first what is profit margin, net or gross?  And the cost of "watching" will be astronomical.  And when do people hoard?  When supply is cut.

Now, no doubt there will be talk of economic sabotage against the Venezuelan economy by the USA, and no doubt that is going on, although nothing compared to what damage these policies inflict.  In any case such sabotage can be easily beat.  Open free markets.  (Cuba could have done this 50 years ago too.)

Let goods flow in an out.  Respect property rights (the main thing) especially adverse possession.  Eliminate only the laws that advantage the rich, never punish the rich.  Cut back government to a human scale size, and then emphasize enforcement is against government not citizens.

Never will happen, except accidently, as in Hong Kong, Vatican, Switzerland, Andorra, San Miguel, Iceland, etc.

If you want hoarding to stop, open the ports.  If you want profits minimized, allow free trade.

In USA we are no better than Venezuela, since we are doing the exact same thing with 17% of our economy and Romney/Obamacare.  With Venezuela, we can see our way ahead.

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