Thursday, January 2, 2014

You and Your Pancreas - A Very Bright Spot

Checks in from the Middle East with an article with a good to hear argument:  scrap Romney/Obamacare and restart free trade in medicine.  Sometimes i think I am alone, but when official mainstream makes the case, I am delighted.

I was invited to a Boxing Day soiree, all tuxedos and gowns, at which I engaged a pancreas specialist who gave me a rundown on his specialty.  Now I very well may have this wrong, all things considered, but in essence he discovered, with a half dozen other doctors around the USA, that a malfunctioning pancreas can have some of its (the word sounded like "eyelets") removed and implanted in the liver, which would then take over the job the pancreas is supposed to do, in addition to its work as a liver.  One performed, the pancreas can be removed.  Like removing an appendix, but more serious.

Now the fellow is faculty at top universities, and is written up in top journals, so the procedure is settled science.  His mission is to get this procedure known to doctors whose regular response to this particular pancreatic disease has made no progress for two years, which indicates it is time to switch tactics.

They challenges have to do with the unheard of double-use capacity of the liver, the rarity of the problem and the lack of time for doctors to hear or read about everything, differences in who becomes a doctor as what constitutes "medicine" changes over time, and then just turf wars.  There is an income stream to be had from people with a lifelong condition.  A cure is not welcome in some circles.

Now that may seem harsh, but it is a problem that has always been with us.  The Catechism of the Catholic Church, a church that listens to confessions, has a list...

2537 It is not a violation of this commandment to desire to obtain things that belong to one's neighbor, provided this is done by just means. Traditional catechesis realistically mentions "those who have a harder struggle against their criminal desires" and so who "must be urged the more to keep this commandment":
. . . merchants who desire scarcity and rising prices, who cannot bear not to be the only ones buying and selling so that they themselves can sell more dearly and buy more cheaply; those who hope that their peers will be impoverished, in order to realize a profit either by selling to them or buying from them . . . physicians who wish disease to spread; lawyers who are eager for many important cases and trials.321

OK...  merchants and lawyers have more opportunity to advance criminal designs, but doctors?  Let's not be naive, doctors are all too human (and doctors, don't forget you can repent.)

A problem with Romney/Obamacare is it will attract a different set of people to medicine.  And repulse others.  But don't worry, you've been promised you can keep your doctor, keep your plan.

The rarity of the pancreas disease in question, and the specialty of the cure, begs the question as to how many more cures are available but unknown.  The internet has made tracking down such cures easy, and I am hearing more and more about patients asking their doctors about how known cures, only to be told their doctor will have to abandon the patient of they pursue the alternative.  Now this may be for reasons of "too many cooks" or simply a given doctors is not going to become expert in every field.

In a free market a doctor may earn a referral fee for sending a patient to the right cure.  Outrageous idea?  In a free market what now costs $250,000 would drop to $5000, like a computer, so a $1000 referral fee would be nothing, given a patient gets a cure.

And when cures are $5000, not $250,000, then health insurance would be cheaper than auto insurance.

Talking about outlawing State involvement in medicine is a very good idea.  Separation of medicine and State.  If we deregulated medicine, we would get more, better, cheaper, faster with an economic recovery bigger than we got from telephone deregulation.

Let's do it in 2014.  The time is right.

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