Friday, February 28, 2014

Important, If True

Exporters themselves do not worry about the paperwork, that is for Freight Forwarders, but if this reduces costs, then prices fall, then it contributes to the economic recovery:
Just last week President Barack Obama signed an executive order accelerating the process of getting government approval to export U.S.-made cargo. The goal is to create a new International Trade Data System eliminating some of the paperwork required in sending cargo abroad. In theory, such a system could speed the shipment of products overseas, cutting approval wait times to transport goods to minutes from days.
And this...
Small companies comprise the majority of U.S. exporters. Businesses with fewer than 500 employees accounted for 294,589 of 301,238 U.S. exporters in 2012, or about 97%, according to preliminary data released by the U.S. Census Bureau in December. Just over half were small manufacturers and wholesalers, and together they generated $460 billion in foreign trade, a $10 billion increase from the previous year, or about 34% of total U.S. exports, according to the data.
Yes, just so.

As costs drop with less regulation, prices will fall too, eventually.  All this deflation is very good news.

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Anonymous said...

"small companies comprise the majority of exporters."- I had thought that big companies were the majority. (From your course, 40% of companies (just small? or all companies in general, regardless of size?) only export once. 1/3 to 1/2 of exporters are new each year).

John Wiley Spiers said...

Big business is the majority in volume, small business the majority in number of firms trading.... the vast majority of businesses in import or export or both are small businesses, but it only take one boeing jet exported to overwhelm many small export shipments.

John Wiley Spiers said...

Big business is the majority in volume, small business the majority in number of firms trading.... the vast majority of businesses in import or export or both are small businesses, but it only take one boeing jet exported to overwhelm many small export shipments.