Thursday, February 27, 2014

Never Recovery, Only Escape to Anarchy

When states control prices, top or bottom, we do not have a free market.  Right now the powers that be are fighting economic recovery with everything they have.  Falling prices would signal economic recovery, so minimum prices are being put in place, to keep economic recover form occurring.  Republicans are particularly keen on this, for an economic recovery might harm the crony-capitalist system.

A sign in a Seattle store:

The $3.09.  This article makes a point I have been making all along, and that is as it gets as bad, people choose to escape from the chaos to anarchy:
Diocletian had the option of either inflating – minting increasingly worthless denarii, or to deflate – in the form of cutting government expenditures. He chose to inflate. He also chose to fix the prices of goods and services and suspend the freedom of the people to decide what the currency was actually worth. 
Nixon did this in August of 1971, it did not work.  It has gotten worse.  Starting a business is escaping the chaos into anarchy.

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Anonymous said...

Anarcho-Capitalism means no privileged authority (No king). I like the concept, but it is not practical or attainable in the real world. Does it exist anywhere now? Has it existed in history in a large modern state? It could work at a small town, local level I suppose.

See here:

John Wiley Spiers said...

Whoa... who is an anarcho-capitalist? I've never defended anarcho-capitalism. And you cite an article with which I agree very much, anarcho-capitalism is internally contradictory.

Yes, "no-king" but more in the sense of no force or fraud, the non-aggression principle. But people get together and make rules for themselves, like in the game of chess, or skiiing on a hill. Plenty of rules, just no state back violence enforcing them. Voluntary association.

Well the oldest and largest single entity on planet earth is anarchistic, for the simple reason it is voluntary. No one has to join, no one has to stay in, and the agreed on self-governance rules, it has no king. In fact its leader is called "first among equals, and that is of course the CAtholic church, and org of some billion people.

Now, the vast majority of you life is under anarchy, although it is a game of state to claim all good you have to come from the states, and all bad to be for lack of state presence. Almost nothing you do is provisioned or supported by the state, and so it is "no king" activity.

Demanding to find a country that is not a country is not going to happen. But we do have instances of Israel for 400 years, Iceland for some 200, San Marino and other minor times and places where anarchy obtained if you want them, but if your point is we'll never get a majority that wants anarchy, probably not.

Practicing anarchy is is for the benefits of anarchy in spite of the existence of a state, whose benefits are putative. The benefits of practicing anarchy in daily life are immediate and beneficial, in spite of the state.