Sunday, March 23, 2014

All Government Policies Necessarily Have Winners and Losers

Try as they might to hide the facts by redefining terms.  From Zerohedge:
"The result was there are still many people after the crisis who still feel that it was unfair that some companies got helped and small banks and small business and average families didn’t get direct help,” Bernanke said. “It’s a hard perception to break." The truth, as again revealed by Fisher, will not help with breaking that perception.
Of course policies help some and harm others, what is the point of having a state unless you can affect others lives, that is supporters?  The policy of the federal government has been for nearly 100 years "Get Big or Get Out."  Yes, it is a hard perception to break that the State should help small business, when the actual facts are the State is out to destroy small business.  People just don't get it.

And this from the article:
Of course, what is new?  Obama made this clear when he first ran for president, but the election was about race, not ideas.  But note the slick shift as to the meaning of wealth: personal accumulation.  Never defined properly, as for the last 5,000 years, that being the assortment of goods and services available to the widest assortment of people at prices they can afford.  You need small business to achieve that, and as we have demonstrated regularly, the State expects small business to disappear.

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