Monday, March 31, 2014

Congress Shocked, Shocked Regulators Did Nothing

Congress announced it is shocked, shocked that regulators did nothing in spite of knowing Government Motors products were killing people.
GM first learned of the ignition switch problems in 2001 and in subsequent years consumers raised concerns repeatedly.
Congress wants to know why it took GM and the NHTSA so long to act since the problem first surfaced.
Well, what Bernie Madoff was doing was well known to regulators for a decade before his ponzi scheme exploded.  When failure costs you nothing then all there is left to do is look the other way.  What about the people hurt?  I suppose when you know it is not possible to do the job assigned, protect consumer safety, then why get excited one way of the other?

The bailouts of the auto companies were a good time to open source all auto patents and break the pro-big biz distribution rules for cars.  This would have allowed competition in the auto industry for the first time in 75 years.  We'd be on our way to industrial recovery.  We'd have small responsive auto makers.

And true to form, congress will call in the GM CEO to explain what went wrong starting in about the 1990s in this current crisis.  Never mind she started the CEO job last month.  Why not bring in the last three GM CEOs?  In chains?

It is edifying to see China is knocking down troublemakers from their last administration, prosecuting a "security" top dog that somehow became a billionaire in public service.  This would be on par with Michael Chertoff being tried for corruption.  But that will not happen in USA.

Not only China, but Israel has convicted Olmert, its past president, which would be on par with trying the Bushes for their crimes.  Obama said no, prosecuting presidents for crimes might cramp ones style.  What happened to the good old days when a president might face some consequences, like Nixon, or even Clinton?

O sure, we'll time from time round up a few chump congressmen, but never a regulator or a leader.

And don't bother prosecuting Chertoff, just set up a truth commission.  If you spill the beans, you are free to go.  If not, you'll face the music.

We cannot approximate justice anymore.  So we need to know what is really going on, so we can approximate informed consent.

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