Monday, March 24, 2014

Housing Prices

By 2010, we had 130 million units of housing stock in USA for 315 million people, or roughly 2.5 people per home.    Seems about right.

15% of the homes were empty.  

57% owner occupied

28% renter occupied.

So what is the emergency that requires the rest of us be taxed and fee’d to support continuous bank bailout and overpay if we buy, and thus auto-increase our tax burden further, so the Buffet and billionaires can get free money at nil interest to buy up homes like crazy at cash to rent out.  This drives up prices.  Ah.  yes, Rising prices is economic recovery!  Don’t you know ?  Now, the fact that it only makes the 1% richer while leaving less for the 99% to spend outherwise does not matter.  What matters is you believe the government is doing something, therefopre you are safe.

Israel begged to be harmed if only they could have a King to fight their battles for them.., that was the first recored instance of this phenomenon.  The fact that USA citizens beg to have high prices for homes as long as they do not have to take responsibility for their lives is merely the latest example.  You can’t take 98 and say no to the 99th.

But you can start now saying no to all 99.  That's tough to do, but better a little tough now than more need later.

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