Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Putin Brilliant - Newly Independent Crimea

A few weeks ago I wondered wistfully if the Crimea might become and independent state and a new Hong Kong:
Too late, a snap election has the Crimeans voting themselves back into Russia after 50 years.  Putin should have had them vote themselves into independence, which would have confounded his opponents.
Now comes this:
President Vladimir Putin has signed an order that Russia recognizes Crimea as a sovereign and independent state. The Autonomous Republic of Crimea held a referendum on Sunday with over 96% voting for integration into Russia.
The Western Press is not even mentioning the formation of this new country.

So Putin has made the Crimea independent, so will it become a new Hong Kong?  In any event, USA leadership is strictly 4th rate in the world, and there is no one on the back benches that can improve our standing.  Too bad.  Putin is a brilliant world leader.  I am embarrassed for the United States.  We have first stringers too, but there is no way they will step up when we have a surveillance state, and we need a surveillance state to maintain fascism and foreign occupation.  Bring the troops home now, and let's make trade, not war.

I wonder which will be the first country (after Russia) to recognize the new country of Crimea?

Feel free to forward this by email to three of your friends.


Anonymous said...

What?!: "Putin is a brilliant world leader."?

Please explain this one.

Rather than become an aggressive, militaristic, imperialistic land-grabber, wouldn't it be better if Putin was trying to develop Russia into a giant, awesome economic power, like a new "silicon valley" trying to improve peoples lives?

John Wiley Spiers said...

Aren't you projecting? Isn't it the USA that is the "aggressive, militaristic, imperialistic land-grabber?" The Crimeans just voted to be under Russia, and in so doing, gave Putin the oppty to grant them independence. Sounds ratehr anti-aggressive, militaristic, imperialistic land-grabbing to me. What makes you think Putin is not trying to improve people's lives, and in any eent, how would it be any of our business? Putin is a subject for the Russians, not us. It is just good to see a brilliant statesmen yet again handle no-adult-supervision USA foreign policy superbly.

Anonymous said...


I can understand why Putin moved on Crimea and probably Ukraine now. Why is it that the U.S. supports these corrupt regimes?

I still don't like Putin, he's bad for both the Russians and the World. It's like one corrupt puppet government was replaced by another corrupt puppet government, but their the U.S.'s puppet now.

Anonymous said...


Another view on things.

Anonymous said...


"War is a Racket" by Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler was actually published in the 1930's.

Is America actually a predator and menace to global peace?