Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Question As to What Business

What type of business do you recommend that would best weather severe economic problems in the U.S.? An export business focused on foreign markets that hopefully wouldn't be affected as much? If one had an export business, wouldn't problems in the U.S still be a problem (loss in domestic manufacturing capability)? What about the specific export product? Agricultural products maybe, non-high tech, housewares? Having your own business may not be the "lifeboat" one thinks. Or maybe it's a business like a barber, manual labor, truck driver, that cannot really be outsourced, but always needed no matter how bad or good the economy is doing. 

It seems to me that is thinking like an investor, not an entrepreneur or customer employed.  Your criteria is make money no matter what, and avoid problems.  Quite the contrary, being customer employed is to accept you will not make money if you fail to produce to customer satisfaction, and you intend to make an unmistakbly bad situation better, not avoid it.  Business is a participation racket, not a protection racket.

The work begins not with gaming how to make money and avoid danger, but acknowledge what causes you pain and gives you joy working on a solution. In this way you make a unique contribution, come what may.  It also becomes a lifestyle, your lifestyle, unique among all lifestyles, you become orignal and authentic.

Certainly for some that is in the skilled trades (what you call manual labor), and “no truck drivers, no nothing.”  Good truck drivers are critical.

I never said being self-employed is a lifeboat, but a revolutionary act, doing good while doing well when everything is geared toward collectivization and the destruction of the individual.  Fight the power, doing good while doing well.


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