Sunday, March 2, 2014

The West Shocked, Shocked At Russia On Ukraine

Lemme see:  USA gets exposed red handed plotting the overthrow of a popularly elected government, after spending five billion to do so, timed to embarrass Russia (during Sochi Olympics), to wrest Russian access to their Black Sea fleet, in a country largely ethnically Russian.

We send in diplomats and stars to support the overthrow.

And we are surprised that Putin moves in?  No one saw that coming, except Sarah Palin?

This worked so well in Libya, Egypt, Syria... we thought we'd try with Ukraine.

The Russians are not having it.

So what is the upshot?  Blame the black guy.

Current score, google search hits:
8 years in Office, Blame Bush - About 39,200,000 results (0.42 seconds) 
6 years in Office, Blame Obama About 192,000,000 results (0.35 seconds) 
If you tell a big enough lie long enough, people begin to believe it.  It is comforting to believe that we can blame someone, and it's "not my fault."

The Ukraine was a Ukrainian problem until we began funding destabilization.

USA military spending is larger than the eleven next largest country's spending, combined.  How come?  We just seem to get into trouble with so much money.  Kinda like Justin Bieber or Richie I.

Feel free to forward this by email to three of your friends.


Anonymous said...

The bankers, oligarchs control American foreign policy, and Russia (Putin) has their oligarchs too. If the oligarchs supporting Putin have their wealth and power threatened (by sanctions, embargoes, Russian stock market crash, etc.), they will act in their best interest.

Obama is a lawyer, and every lawyer has clients (present or future) that they really serve. Who's Obama clients? Goldman Sachs, Chase Bank, other big corporations?

Anonymous said...

Understanding the Aggressive US Stance towards Russia: