Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Wait, What?

From Bob Wenzel:
And as everyone here recognizes, the future of the United States is tied to the future of Israel.  This is something that every President since Harry Truman has understood.
I didn't know this.  Is this a good idea?  Given the tensions and uncertainties in the world, should any country be tied to any other, for good or ill?  From this speech we can see that we are every bit as "tied" in the sense of intricated to Iran as Israel.

Given the Chinese stepped up shoulder to shoulder with Russia over the Ukraine, and how Lew admits business people worldwide are eager to trade with Iran, hesitating only at the "ton of bricks" awaiting business people, perhaps opinion worldwide is calculating the value of USA hegemony.  At some point the reckoning is going to discredit the USA.  Watch out below!

Free trade is unilateral, and free trade is the way to peace and prosperity.

The USA was formed with the idea of no entangling alliances and no standing army.  People with power will abuse it and get everyone in trouble.  Here is a movie clip the founder fathers all enjoyed, and understood its metaphor:

Feel free to forward this by email to three of your friends.


Anonymous said...

I don't get it with the movie clip. Is the tied-up guy that turns into the alien monster supposed to be Israel? And the other tied-up guys supposed to be America (but they don't get killed, at least not in that scene)?

Anonymous said...

a couple of months ago i gave a ride to 2 very young women israeli hitchhikers and they both believed that israel could not exist much longer with all the hate around them - they were considering their options... if one wants to know what is really happening look to the people in the street...

John Wiley Spiers said...


Anonymous said...


The blogpost before the video was highly suggestive in my opinion - This is a setup!

The scene could also just as well be interpreted to be reversed: America is the guy that turns into the alien monster, and Israel are the helpless tied-up guys.

John Wiley Spiers said...

View it again... you left players out... they are all there... think... who might be Iran, Russia? Why not the monster American Warvangelicals and the guy with the flame thrower who gets eaten is Obama, with Kurt Russell, the Russians (again). Move the players around and rewatch.. quite entertaining...