Thursday, May 29, 2014

Bilderberg Agenda

So I did find the source of these agenda items (among a dozen or so), from the Bilderberg press release:
The key topics for discussion this year include:
  • Is the economic recovery sustainable?
  • Who will pay for the demographics?
But no elaboration.  Now the first one is a case of "here we go again!"

Like the BoE Gov Carney talking about the good done by QE, "is the economic recovery sustainable" is so obtuse!  What economic recovery?  Do none of these people ever step outdoors?  Do they actually believe their own economic reports?  This makes me nervous, because people who believe their own PR end up in disasters, like a Hitler believing he was winning.  Maybe the agenda is just code for public consumption, but I do truly hope that question is not addressed as posed.

The second one makes no sense, as it is.  Who will pay what for demographic what?  Demographic reports?  Censuses?  Is the idea USA will pay for Ukrainian Census?  What is that about.

Now if you understand that the powers that be, and power itself, is grounded in the Malthus/Darwin premise that there are too many people, the lower humans will die out, so extermination is just helping evolution along, then this is an odious agenda item.  It means what means will which countries use to jettison the perceived "unclaimed baggage" in each country.  it would be good to have this accurately expanded upon.

I've listened to sane, powerful policy makers and enforcers make this same point, in their own words.

Libido dominandi.

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