Monday, May 5, 2014

Bitcoins as Money?

Comes a correspondent:

... The authenticity of a bitcoin is very easy to verify. But I suspect you mean the whole bitcoin system is a scam. It is only in the sense that any and all monetary goods are a scam.

Well, now that is interesting.  My understanding of the pro-bitcoin side has been the premise that the application of state of the art tech to monetary goods has been a breakthrough of some sort (and a recitation of the benefits which always strike me as highly debatable.)  Then a frisson of virtue of some sort, and for good measure rebellion.

Depending on how monetary goods are defined, I might agree.  Money being called a monetary good would be tautological, so I take you to mean derivatives and tallies. Fractional reserve currency is a scam, warehouse receipts as currency can easily be a scam, using tallies as money is inevitably a scam ( the Prophet expressly forbids this).  But money itself, defined as a medium of exchange (in a free market) and a store of value (as derived from its commodity price, if an when its value is stored)  can hardly be a scam.  

So depending on definitions, I think I'd agree...

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