Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Capitalism v Free Markets

David Stockman reports well -
Now thanks to Washington’s eternal conviction that debt it the magic elixir of economic growth, first time buyers are few and far between because they are buried in student debt—-about $1.1 trillion to be exact. Each graduating class has more students with loans to carry forward, and in higher and more onerous amounts. Fully 70% of the class of 2014 has student loans, and they average of about $30,000 each. Both figures are triple what they were just a decade ago.
Capitalism has failed.  The free market lost 2 or 3 generations of entrepreneurs to FIRE: Finance, Investment and Real Estate, and all based on credit.  There is a reason all religions make usury a capital crime, not because someone says so, but because of the damage it does.

47% of unemployed have given up looking for work. The root of the word prosperity is "hope."  Capitalism destroys hope.  10 million claim to be disabled, and on disability (not counted as unemployed.)  Get big or get out has crushed small business in USA. Yes, it is harder now to start a business, but they are exponentially more valuable.  The most revolutionary act you can make in USA to overthrow capitalism is to start a business.

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