Thursday, May 1, 2014

Crumbling Infrasructure Nonsense

David Stockman knocks down the crumbling infrastructure nonsense with a fully informed article:
One thing is clear. The is no case for adding to our staggering $17 trillion national debt in order to replace the bridges of Madison county; or to fix state and local highways or build white elephant high speed rail systems; or to relieve air travelers of paying user fees to upgrade local airports or local taxpayers of their obligation to pay fees and taxes to maintain their water and sewer systems.
I listened to Diane Rehm and crew lamented a lack of pork imminent, so the idea of toll bridges came up.

Wait, what?  Toll bridges?  We had rhe state take over roads to get rid of toll bridges Here again, the state failed?  If it is time to do toll bridges again, then make them private concerns, to get rid of the waste fraud and abuse that comes with government participation.

I was on a bus recently and people were talking across the aisle regarding mass transit, and a young woman claimed that BART, the SF Bay area light rail, was privately owned, and that is why the service was bad and the fares very high.

She was challenged on the "privately owned" assertion, but she defended it.  I lived in the Bay Area, and I think I would have heard, but I checked.  Nope.  Just like any other mass transit in USA, government run, except the one in Disneyland, which is free.

And of course, the light rail mass transit in Hong Kong is privately owned and it is cheap and efficient.

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