Thursday, May 8, 2014

Enrollments and Entrepreneurs

Anonymous checks in -
"The American economy is less entrepreneurial now than at any point in the last three decades."  
John, I was just curious, is your course enrollment (both off and on-line) increasing or decreasing over the years?
I think think that people believe a lot of persistent misconceptions about entrepreneurship. They think it's too risky, need a lot of money to start, they need a really big idea, etc. 
Noncredit enrollments have been decreasing as the enrollments in credit programs are increasing.   The people who would be taking classes are now taking credit classes.  Java coders are learning to be roofers, roofers are learning to be java coders, and they are graduating with 20k, 40k, 100K in debt and no job prospects.   And they cannot bankrupt a student loan.  Trapped!

This is not accidental.  Capitalism needs war when it fails, and it fails regularly.  A dispirited, trapped people need a strongman to lead them into war.

Yes, the misperception that business start-up is risky is social conditioning... the idea of risk is a part of business is very recent and western, it can be traced to the legalization of the crime of usury, in which bankers could lend credit as "money" with no logical limit, so they had to introduce the idea of risk to sop up all that excess credit.

The other odd idea is health insurance must be, and it must be paid for by an employer.  In spite of the relentless efforts of big biz, big govt, labor, religion, academia and so on to socialize medicine in USA, there are still plenty of options if one is struck by malady.

We have been socially conditioned to fear inconvenience or set-back.  Odd that, since set-back if self-employed has so many more options then set-back as an employee.

Entrepreneurs take no risks.  They get rid of risk.  People believing they are avoiding risk by getting a degree find themselves unemployed and heavily in debt, with the military as the only option out. Ironic.

Yes, enrollments are down, but the students that are enrolling are a tad bit more realistic and driven I think.  We'll see in time.  They are fun to work with, and a main reason I teach is to keep on the cutting edge.  These people are keeping me there...

All those people going to school could be starting up businesses with no resources and no debt.

Feel free to forward this by email to three of your friends.


Luke Avedon said...

Brilliant post.