Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Get Big or Get Out Medicine

There is not a part of the USA economy that the progressives have not attacked with their get big or get out regime.  The chief target has been the food supply, for in USA governance "food is a weapon."

But people are working around the fascists.
Today concierge care patients represent 10 percent of Epiphany Health’s volume but they produce 50 percent of take home revenue. What’s good for the practice is also good for those concierge clients: the practice charges $80 monthly for an individual, $150 for two persons and $175 for a family of four. There are no Medicare-enrolled concierge care patients to avoid running afoul of complex federal mandates.
So it can be done, but we do need more people who are aware there is an alternative to "all problems can be solved by the government." Big job, that.

I recall in my youth many trips to the emergency room, which was usually deserted, because there were clinics every couple of blocks that anyone could visit with a malady.    Now we get collectivization and thus "collect and distribute disease."

Sick people waiting a typical long time for a docotor in a crowded US hospital picked up the uncurable MERS this week.  Hundreds were exposed.

We need to deregulate medicine so we can cure our economic ills.

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