Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Lawlessness - Polio Vaccine

A libel against Islam is their fear of science and medicine, odd that since most of our advances in medicine from the middle ages on were compliments of Moslem doctors.  The fact Moslems resist Western vaccination programs, for fear of sterilization campaigns or worse, is held up as proof of perfidy.  And what do we have?  News the CIA used vaccination teams to sniff out Osama bin Laden.
In Pakistan, where polio has never been eliminated, the C.I.A.’s decision to send a vaccination team into the Bin Laden compound to gather information and DNA samples clearly hurt the national polio drive. The question is: How badly?
The article tells us Western Powers have succeeded in getting many Moslems leaders to endorse their work.  I would advise otherwise.

1. USA has a history of using medical treatment programs for nefarious ends.

2. The stated means is to work through religious leaders.

Much better to stop making war on Islam and peacefully trade wherein Islamic business people will trade in legitimate and wholesome medicine.

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