Sunday, May 25, 2014

USA Economic System

I've been ranting here for a few years on our false economy, its distortions, and its genesis in usury.  Here is a German central banker on the same topic:
The monetary system was saved in 2011 through concerted action by major central banks worldwide. But, according to Stark, the whole system is "pure fiction". The monetary authorities have been groping since 2008 to avoid a second Lehman Brothers, but if happen, "the system will not survive," he warned.
The problem is the monetary model itself. That is, the printing of paper currency without real backing and the multiplier by which the commercial banks can expand credit-uncontrolled without prior savings. Stark recommended allocating part of this fictional savings to investment in traditional "safe havens" such as gold or silver.
Welcome aboard!  He recommends gold, but gold is savings, and can be taken away from you.  Better to have the means of production, plus an international aspect, so you have trade with elsewhere.  The only thing they cannot take is your skillset, and we will need people who can perform in a true economy when this false economy dies.

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