Tuesday, June 24, 2014

3 D Pen

Indigogo is making interesting things happen...

1. Cracking that "angel investment" delusion and fraud that has been inculcated for two generations.  The delusion is "all you need is money", the fraud is the scam where the "entrepreneurs" just want a two year free ride on other peoples money.  It would not hurt the USA economy if angel investors disappeared, indeed, since they are tied into subsidies and crony capitalism (tautology) it would help if they withered away due to crowdfunding.

2. Customers first.  In business, the most important thing is customers, the hardest thing is getting the product right.

So with this 3 D pen we see...
We did not take CreoPopTM to Indiegogo to just raise funds. We want to engage with and learn from our early adopters and community so that we can make CreoPopTM even better. We want to introduce new features and new types of inks after we finish the campaign, and we want to understand what you as a customer and a CreoPopTM owner would want. During and after the campaign we will send surveys to those who pledge to help guide our development. Joining us now makes you more than a simple contributor – you’re a partner in helping us making the world’s greatest 3D pen.
Splendid.  This is another step up back to where product development once was.  And then this is new:
We know you are an influencer! And with our Special Influencer Program, we want to give you more great inks or the CreoPop 3D Pen for free. You will get a $10 refund or 5 Inks free for each person you refer who pledges towards a CreoPop pen.
Affiliate fees...  this too has been around before, and a new application.  This is all very encouraging!

Feel free to forward this by email to three of your friends.