Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Fake Door Testing

Jacob checks in to share he is using this technique to test his imported sodas in USA.  Here is a succinct and specific example of bizdev testing, eCommerce division.  This is nothing new, back in the day, heck to this day, people offer online things they really do not have.  The internet has lowered the cost and widened access to communication, so you can arrive at the same results faster and cheaper, at least in regards to what works on the internet.  But the internet is about 6% or retail sales, so the efficacy of internet tests is limited to that.  The main point is testing on the internet should cost less and happen faster than in brick and mortar.  (See the Apple exec sent to save JCPenney.)  People get delusional about the internet and spend way too much money and ay too much time getting to an answer.  Here is a good reminder not to make that mistake.  Jacob will share his experience when he is complete.  This is about five minutes, well delivered.

Ignite - Lean Startup - Polyvore from DreamSimplicity on Vimeo.

 Feel free to forward this by email to three of your friends.


Anonymous said...

Hi John,

Was there supposed to be a link in this post which shows Jacob's technique which you are referring to?

John Wiley Spiers said...

ooops... it's there now, the vimeo vid....
