Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Indiegogo and Losing Stuff

Indiegogo is backing a new product that needs $20,000 and has gathered $160,000.  You thought of this product too, the personal item tracker.  An alarm goes off if your keys get more that ten feet from your wallet, or cell phone from your glasses, etc.

I imagine at some point they will build this into cell phones.


1. People always say "that was my idea."  Yes, but a neat thing about indigogo is you can now test "your idea" as soon as you have it.  Since the first thing you need in business is a customer, not anything else, indigogo will finally silence those who grouse about their "idea being stolen" or whatever.  Now it is put up (literally) or, how to say this, shut up.

2. Also, watching people succeed, you can learn to stop being envious. I'd love $160K to develop a $20K item.  And I even thought of this (as did probably every single other person on earth with a cell phone and a wallet).   But, as the Bible says, be happy with your portion.  It was not my work to introduce that item, it was (and how!) the work of those who so very much succeeded on indiegogo.  So what is your portion?  What is not happening that should, because you are bellyaching about others while not doing your portion.  Is your idea too small?  One fellow emailed me this week telling me about his first deal and apologizing for it being so small.  Are you kidding?  He took the first step!  It is the step forward, not the stride.

3.  Vast swathes are happy to contribute to good ideas with no requirement of compensation.  Why usury?  Why IPR?  Obviously people are happy with an economy with none of the ugly stuff.

If you free your mind from capitalism, you can see the necessary and sufficient good that is done by free markets.  Business start-up has an element of self-improvement.  But you knew that, if you ever thought about starting a business, the impulse was toward self-improvement.

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