Sunday, June 22, 2014

NSA-Proof Email

One thing I love about Indiegogo is the Caveat Emptor implication.  None of these crowdfunding things warrants the claims of the seeker.

So it is no reflection on indigogo when I say I seriously doubt this offer of NSA-proof email.  Just as Wall Street front runs all stock market activity in USA, so I believe the intel "services" are the ones offering the solutions to the problems they create.

We all love CERN for creating the WWW, and Switzerland for being relentlessly independent.  Except Al Gore invented the internet, and the Swiss roll over on depositors like, well, who knows?  And the co-developer is MIT, which is probably the one USA University which gets the most military contracts from USGovernment.  A more credible university partner would be Beijing DaXue of Moscow PolyTech.

So this well over-subscribed offer may be nice, but I doubt its efficacy.

But let's say it is efficacious.  The second the Man cannot read your emails he will then begin to watch everything else you do to see who is hiding what they say?  As has been demonstrated elsewhere, they can profile you by so many other means now, that hiding what you actually say and think is pointless.  (Also, outbound email may be encrypted, but how about the inbound, where your correspondent includes your original email in the reply?)

We have to pay taxes to be spied on.  Then we have to pay more to avoid being spied on.  How about we just don't do the first, so we don't have to do the second, and then all those resources can be put into better uses.

No point in spending time fighting the man.  Make the most revolutionary act possible: start a business.

Feel free to forward this by email to three of your friends.