Saturday, June 21, 2014

Third World Politics

One feature of the third world is when its military shakes down business. The USA is exceptional in this regard, it does not happen here.

As the four-star general in charge of U.S. digital defenses, Keith Alexander warned repeatedly that the financial industry was among the likely targets of a major attack. Now he’s selling the message directly to the banks.
Joining a crowded field of cyber-consultants, the former National Security Agency chief is pitching his services for as much as $1 million a month. The audience is receptive: Under pressure from regulators, lawmakers and their customers, financial firms are pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into barriers against digital assaults.

OK, just this once.

Now you would think if such a threat was imminent, he might have done something while in the service to keep us safe.  Or if he was retired against his will, then surely his pension and a love of country would compel him to advice gratis, or for not more than expenses.  His pension and bennies are already makes him a millionaire.

But no, the whole thing is about money, shakedowns, let problems happen so your price goes up.  I grew up hearing about those godless communists, but the real problem is the godless capitalists.

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