Sunday, June 8, 2014

Tracking Shipments

Jim checks in from Oakland:

On Jun 2, 2014, at 6:11 PM, Jim wrote:

Hi John,  Hope all is well, I just learned today that we can track all ships.  This is nice to know as I will not need to contact the broker.  Once the ISF is filed the ship name is on so I can track the ship.  We have a container heading our way and it shows is a 14,000 TFU (Twenty foot equivalent) ship, averaging 19.4 knots and drafting 42 feet of water off the cost of Taiwan heading to Oakland and checking in every 30 minutes.  This information is handy,  One more layer of the onion peeled.

The ship is APL Dublin so I googled up APL Dublin and it all comes up from there.

My hobby is growing, ordered 3 full container from China last month! 


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