Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Why $100 Detroit Houses are a Bad Investment

Economic recovery comes from relaxation of rules and regulations with a renaissance in manufacturing.  the politicians appointed by politicians know nothing of this.  What is their plan for recovery?  More casinos, for the casino taxes.
Orr has described the gambling taxes as Detroit's most stable source of money. But casino revenue has declined of late in Detroit itself and in recent years traditional gambling hubs like Nevada and New Jersey as well as relative newcomers to the wagering scene, such as neighboring Ohio, have seen swoons.
Brilliant.  Take welfare and pension payments, redirect them to very wealthy people  who will invest it elsewhere, and skim a percent off the top.  And from this will come an economic recovery.

This si the same plan drug dealers use, flood the ghetto with drugs, take welfare payments and launder it worldwide.

Until there is no State or federal government in Detroit, any investment, even $100 is madness.  Secretary of Treasury John Connally once loaded up on bonds, at rock bottom prices.  Then the prices dropped further.  He was wiped out.

When they repudiate the debts, go Hong Kong, and while blood is flowing in the streets, then invest.  The people responsible will have been long gone, with their terrible advice.

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