Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Exporting Good Food

For whatever reason, the word is getting out on back to good food.  Here Time magazine has a video on how we got to such huge increases in heart disease and diabetes, both diet related conditions.

I guess I was lucky that my godfather was an MD and back in the 1950s, 1960s he wasn't buying any of the government health advice.  He knew better, since doctors back then were scientists, not sociologists.  At the same time my mother was in fact a sociologist, and could see what was up when sociology was being abused.

This is an interesting piece of history, because we see it happening today with propositions every bit as nonsensical.  I think it was Thoreau who lamented it took so very few people in a democracy to get us into war.  Just so, and just as few to get us into unbelievably destructive social experiments. give this 2 minute vid a view:

(Again, from De Costner)  I missed being scammed by the fascist big govt/big ag combine.  Pushing 60, my health is good and all my life I ate what I want when I want.  I wanted good food.  Always have, always will.  The junk food stopped appealing when they started putting in the junk in the 1960 - 1970s, although to this day on a long road trip, I will buy a corn dog, for the psycho-psylibin reaction that is guaranteed with those.

Today I am writing so I am down to 2 meals a day, spartan, and no interest in snacks.  I drink beer and wine in what I call moderation.  I drink expensive beer and cheap wine.  But it is in glass: Carlo Rossi, the biggest gallon jug.  I've also fasted twice a year for a week for the last couple of decades and this turns out to be a reset button physiologically.  (At first I was sent to my godfather because family were alarmed at a week-long fast. My doctor was mystified that anyone would consider going a week without food being a problem.  We both shrugged our shoulders and that was the end of it.)  But then, it is a monastic saying that to fast well you must eat well.  Anyone who eats well (as in proper, not as in "much") can go a week without food to no ill effect.  In fact, as my doctor said, when the body starts consuming itself, it selects the diseased parts first.  Maybe that is the reset button they are finding.

Here Karen DeCoster recounts her escape from food disease, and she makes an offhand comment:
Even food giant Unilever is backpedaling on its anti-butter marketing and product placement while touting its “half butter” products.
Well, yes.  Those half-butter products.  You know, when USA outlawed selling cigarettes to kids (and now even dopers are alarmed that marijuana legalization is targeted at kids) we taxpayers began to fork over hundreds of millions so the tobacco companies could market cigarettes to kids overseas.

And click on this to see the exports in "half-butters" from USA the last five years.

Click to enlarge
Now this is a remarkable report...  half butter exports are not a big business, but clearly there is a concerted effort to market this USA butter spread product around the world.  Rarely does one encounter such spotty export patterns. A big first sale, and then dwindling...  Hong Kong and Singapore are in 1000% increases, but they have massive hotel operations which can use the stuff, plus much entrepot trade, so they are unique.  But South American countries that are coerced to buy from us are doing what they can, but countries like Israel and Malaysia get a load of this and quit quick.  No doubt at $2 a kilo we are not using our best butter in the butter half and who knows what is in the "surprise" half. (Feel free to email me for .pdfs on both the raw data and the spreadsheet.)

The world wants USA food, but our good food.  There is the business.

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