Monday, July 28, 2014

Hillary V Jeb Bush

Eight years ago the young and the left wing were dispirited until the powers that be ran an unknown Illinois senator for President.  Finally, the left had the ever elusive "right person" in office so all would now be well.

Never mind this right person pursued precisely the same policies of George Bush, and never mind the fallback position, John McCain would have done the same...  the fact is the Obama presidency was mere continuance of the wars, bailouts, bread and circuses of the Bush years.

Hillary was sidetracked and will not be so this time.  She will be the democratic nominee.  Which republican can beat her?

With both the republican endless wars and the democrat endless border problems, Jeb Bush will emerge as the party unifier, especially when he takes Rand Paul as the Veep.

Hillary is an East Coast Elite, Jeb Bush is both East Coast plus the Cowboy West, and Spanish Florida thrown in for good measure.  Jeb is by far the smartest of the Bushes, and the powers that be will not let Hillary win, they have already wounded her by letting her actually run something, the state department.

I am not saying any of this is good, it just strikes me as what will happen.

But I am usually wrong.

Feel free to forward this by email to three of your friends.


Anonymous said...

John, your opinion of Rand Paul? I too am a libertarian, but something about Rand never sat well with me.

John Wiley Spiers said...

Clearly he is his own man, to the chagrin of the Tea Party/ Ron Paul supporters. Ay least he is not one of those "Washington is a cesspool/now a hot tub" TP folks who change the mind when they get the office. He has some jarring inconsistencies, but Reaganesque it seems to me. Reagan passed abprtion legalization and no -fault divorce in California and then ran as the pro-life, family values president in 1980. Go figure.