Friday, July 18, 2014

Microsoft Layoffs - Job At Risk?

Microsoft is laying off 18,000.  You may be getting nervous in your job.  Tech talent is a dime a dozen, but we are woefully short of entrepreneurs.  The big has gotten top-heavy, and things are rather getting out of control...  government can't keep control of infectious diseases at the CDC, the border is in chaos, we are losing any war we are in, missiles are launched mysteriously, chicken recalls, Target can't secure 90 million credit card numbers, the NSA is busy passing naked pictures of your girlfriend around.

The Soviet Union was this way.  I was in Moscow circa 2003, about a dozen years after the Soviet Union fell. The place was vibrant with small business, and guards at empty Soviet era establishments.  The USA Soviet is falling apart, small business is a way out.  Don't end up a guard at an empty WalMart store.

If you are working right now, distinguish yourself by telling the boss you want to earn a promotion by increasing sales...  if your company makes something, by finding new export markets (even if you export now, you'll look for new business. )  If your company makes nothing, then importing items to sell.  And this can be goods or services or agriculture or anything.

If food is your thing, I have two food specific seminars coming up, on live and one online...

Live -  UCBerkeley  15 Aug 2014  make your boss pay for this, you get Berkeley credit!

Online -  Various Schools  This one you can do from home.

Then this October I have a general import export seminar online....

The courses are hands on and highly rated by students for content, pace and humor.  Sign up now!

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