Friday, July 11, 2014

Stockman on ExIm Bank

As I have said before, the USA will have to end before the ExIm Bank ends.  And the USA will end because the ExIm Bank will not end.  That is not to say that the USA depends on the ExIm bank, only that the ExIm Bank is proof that the USA economy is in the hands of extremely few people, the powers that be.  Like the Soviet Union, too few people in control cannot recognize all of the price signals, like the Soviet Union, the powers that be could care less if USA ends, because whatever is next they will be in charge of that, too.  ExIm Bank is just another bauble on the body politic.

Now, if like the Moldavans, some parts are able to go Hong Kong autonomous, then that will be a good thing.  USA was designed to be independent countries, called states, with a weak federal government.  No standing army. We lost that.  Time to get it back.

Stockman does an excellent job again breaking things down, and here he goes after the ExImBank. tries to make a difference between crony capitalism and capitalism.  There is only capitalism and free markets.
Unfortunately, the script is already evident. When push-comes-to-shove during the run-up to the fall congressional elections, Speaker Boehner can be counted up to come to the rescue of GE in his home state, and sell-out the tea party insurgents yet again.
And this time it will be game over. After the Ex-Im is given a new lease on life there will be no place for free market conservatives in the Republican party at all. Going forward, crony capitalism will be readily managed by the statist politicians who dominate the beltway regardless of notional party affiliation and banquet speech ideologies.
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Bill Carver said...

Wow - the Export-Import (Exlm)Bank provides more than a third of it's funds to Boeing! (
Many think everything is on equal and fair grounds but this is far from the truth. This is shocking to realize what goes on vs what we think happens. thanks John!