Friday, July 25, 2014

USA as Corporation

The USA is a corporation,  a legal fiction created by a group of men on the premise of mutual benefit, concerning a defined territory.  It outlined definitions, rules and provided for changes as time went on. Enough people in those defined territories acquiesced enough for the proposition to quicken, although aborigines for 100 years rejected the corporations and well less than 100 years (four score and seven to be exact) the beneficiaries were at each others throats.

These conflicts arose due to the modern practice of states creating credit and lending it.  It creates amazing distortions which manifest as individual wealth, capturing imaginations.

This corporation has proven plastic, able to mold to circumstances, for good or bad.  It is putatively free market but certainly capitalist.  Its original sin was slavery and war, but its most challenging criticism comes from Thoreau who noted how few people it took to start a war in a democracy.  And he was referring to the USA war on Mexico.
“Our legislators have not yet learned the comparative value of free-trade and of freedom, of union, and of rectitude, to a nation. They have no genius or talent for comparatively humble questions of taxation and finance, commerce and manufacturers and agriculture. 
At any point we can revisit these articles of incorporation and change them if we like.  Indeed, the original provides for this.

Time to think about this.

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