Friday, August 15, 2014

BRICS and Russia Beef

Kevin asks -

Hello John, John isn't possible for theses countries that are exporting to Russia could be buying from the United States and re-exporting to Russia?

Brazil’s Association of Meat Exporters said on Tuesday that beef exports rose 19 per cent in July to $692 million over the same period last year. Exports to Russia rose 113 per cent to $181 million last month, compared to July 2013.
The volume of meat exports to Russia also surged, rising 78.9 per cent during the month to 41,000 tonnes.

Hey Kevin,

Everything happens, and no doubt there will be some of that... but assuming a shooting war does not start, trade patterns will return to rational, given distortions by subsidies, etc, that we have now.

There is a shortage of beef in USA now, so this won't mean much.  Next year may be an el Nino year, and if so, the drought is over and the beef flows again...


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