Monday, August 4, 2014

Do one deal, then all others by analogy

One reason I like teaching is a reason every teacher gives, you learn so much more so much faster.  Very often it is the students doing the teaching with their contributions, and then it is Hegelian dialectic: thesis, antithesis, synthesis.

Riffing on starting small and lean and search and learn in food exports, I found myself saying of the cuff (online) "you form the moq fob, you become not expert in international trade, but export in the trade of your product internationally.  Once you get your first MOQ FOB export sale, all other sales in the future are by analogy.  The process is the same in every instance, so what small permutations are easy to handle."

Just so.  So much work, so few hands.  I understand, you have to step out of the fear zone of "health care" and "overhead costs."  But keep in mind,  people who have neither are proceeding and building businesses.

If the market tanks, and you lose 40% of your retirement, might you have wished you withdrew 10% and paid the taxes and penalties tosstart a biz?

Upper left of this page has links to courses on int'l trade biz start -up.

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