Sunday, August 24, 2014

Food In Hong Kong

And here we go again...
Ninety per cent of all food consumed in Hong Kong is imported, according to government data. The city has always had farmers, who till the land in the fertile New Territories, but as community consciousness awakens to the health and environmental aspects of feeding the world, even urban dwellers are growing their own produce.
Enlightened restaurants are leading the way in this “farm-to-table” phenomenon.
Homegrown Foods’ founder and CEO Todd Darling was a successful restaurateur in Hong Kong, running a busy steakhouse, when he decided to change his personal direction, and pursue a more wholesome lifestyle. This meant sourcing cleaner, greener and organic produce for use in his new restaurant, Posto Pubblico. For this, Mr Darling and his business partner, fellow American Robert Spina, turned to local farmers.
Try opening a restaurant in USA.

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