Saturday, August 2, 2014

Kiev Shootdown

Russia's circumspection is being provocatively characterized as arrogance and guilt in the USA press.  The word arrogance comes from the root "rog" to question, ar + rog = no question, not bothering to even question.  (Do you recall on 9-11 and afterwards we were not allowed to ask "why they attacked us" - we were told they hate us for our freedom, and the 9-11 Libya thing, they are mad about a video.)

If fact, Moscow has put forth several simple questions that the USA has neither address nor directed its fascist-usurper regime it owns in Kiev to do so.  And there is no media in USA that will report anything of interest on the story.  We are obliged to rely on a lone economics blogger, Mish Shedlock, for any fair and balanced news.

Perhaps if even one of the questions was answered, it would be clear Moscow had nothign to do with it.  In the meantime, USA press continues to blare articles like "Why Putin Shot Down MH 17."  Forbes no less.  Talk radio and all other media offer no shading.  As the rest of the world begins to realize Russia is less likely, and the USA-owned Ukraine is more likely, the response is merely to go quiet.

Now comes another oddity -

The Russians are denying Putin's plane was up there that day in Putin's return from the Brazil meetings.

My questions are: in the big Belgium funeral extravaganza, where did all of the Cadillac hearsts come from?  Why was this a military funeral?
A military guard of honour stood to attention as a trumpeter played The Last Post, the military funeral call for people killed in war.
Are we to understand this event is to be considered an act of war?  If so, then the Netherlands, et al, must respond.

A convoy of hearses containing the remains of 40 victims of the Malaysia Airlines MH17 disaster drives past international flags as it leaves Eindhoven airport en route to a military base in nearby Hilversum
Whole lotta Cadillac hearsts... had no idea Netherlands (correction) was such a good market for General Motors hearsts.

What if it turns out the USA was behind the "accidental shootdown?'  We've done it before, when we "accidentally" shot down an Iranian passenger jet.
The US government worked hard to cover up the event and later to justify it. Vice President George H.W. Bush said before the UN:
“I will never apologize for the United States – I don’t care what the facts are.”
We got lied into the Iraq/Afghanistan wars, made possible by borrowing credit and ruining our economy.  Out of respect for the living and the dead, we ought have zero tolerance for lying about this, or war profiteering: "Why Putin Shot Down MH 17."  Disgraceful.

We need truth commissions.

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Larry said...

Actually, if facts are important, the funeral was in Amsterdam in the Netherlands.