Monday, August 11, 2014

Toward A White America

In the United States we are careful to track everyone by race, since when it comes to politics, race sells. Pat Buchanan is lamenting the deconstruction of USA, and notes the changing racial demographics.  In summary he notes:
Perhaps. But sociologist Robert Putnam discovered that the more ethnically and linguistically diverse a society becomes, the more its social capital evaporates, and the less do its multicultural members gather together to cooperate in common causes.
And from those recent polls, Americans seem to look on the prospect of an even more racially and culturally diverse America of tomorrow, not with anticipation, but with a measure of dread.
Who?  Some cracker named Bobby did a study and "discovered" something?  Well, to be science, Pat, it has to be valid and reliable, that is you measure what you say you are measuring, and you find the same results each time different measurements are taken.  Sounds simple, but it is really hard to achieve "science."

Now, a part of science is simply empirical.  What do you see already occurring.  How about the most peaceful and prosperous places on earth are all multicultural, multi lingual and multi racial. For example, Hong Kong, Dubai, the Vatican, Monte Carlo, Singapore and Switzerland. Can't beat them.

They also share the fact they they are small, defenseless (except Switzerland), relatively sound money, insignificant state welfare, and lots of immigrants and languages.

So, instead of worrying how many white people there are, why not worry how big USA is, how few languages are spoken commonly, the unsound "money" and too much defense, and too much state welfare.

Our problem is not Honduran kids showing up on the border.

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Anonymous said...

Bravo John. Well said!