Tuesday, September 30, 2014

All Regulators Get Captured by the Regulated

No matter how well you are situated financially, you desperately need a stock market crash, a wipeout. The longer this goes on, the older you get, the less able you are to adjust when it comes.

We all think we have a way out, or we are exempt, or we have faith in the system, to work it out.  But that is only because you've never seen how easy it is for rock solid systems to fail.  If the people in charge are arming themselves, what do you think they know that you do not?  Here is Stockman:
Or to take another example, what is the Fischer committee going to do about leveraged stock buybacks? Not only is this fueling the speculative rise in the stock averages and the illusion that earnings are growing, when in fact it is only the share count which is shrinking, but it is also adding to the dangerous build-up of corporate debt that will become hugely problematic when interest rates are finally allowed to normalize.
There is no getting away, it is just when.  Sooner is better for all.  When a crack-up comes, prices fall and then rents with it.  We can the see more businesses establish as the welfare queen businesses fail, and a vacuum comes in which new providers are in demand.

Bank credit will be defunct, so learn to extend credit without usury and your business will thrive.

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