Sunday, September 7, 2014

FED Sets Up the Next Round of Bailouts

The FED knows it has crippled the economy and knows it will go down, so it is instituting panic moves...
The reason given for why banks must now hold an additional $100 billion dollars of liquid assets is because these securities can easily be exchanged into cash at any time. Treasury securities are the top category for qualifying as liquid assets, although banks can fulfill the requirement through stocks, as well.
It goes on to say this should hold the banks for 30 days in a panic...  we've been in a panic mode with no resolution for six years, and 30 days should do it next step down?

Is this rule not just a "pre-bail-out" set up?  identify in advance which tallies will be targeted for theft?

Is this not goosing the market by directing huge asset allocations (misallocations) at the market?

Sheer madness, but capitalism in action.

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