Sunday, September 21, 2014

First MH -17 Studies In - Putin Did Not Shoot Down Malaysia Air

I've always admired marxist writers for getting their facts straight, if not their recommendations.  Here is a straightforward analysis of the facts in relation to the downing of the Malaysia Air flight over the Ukraine, perfor,ed by marxist trained engineers.    Admirable work. The evidence demonstrates the Ukraine air force shot down Malaysia Air. Qui bono?

The USA is strangely silent about what USA satellites saw, the Brits unforthcoming with what the black boxes say, and what evidence the Ukraine had has been destroyed.  The big unknown is what the Russians know, and no doubt they are waiting for the West to present some nonsense story, and then have to back track based on Russian counter proof.

The people on the left who believed "if we just had the right person as president" are matched by the people on the right who say if we can just get rid of this president" and both are delusional.  This madness is top to bottom, left to right.  Changing the dear leader is not going to help.

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