Friday, September 12, 2014

Just Following Orders

When the Israeli's were trying Eichmann for crimes against humanity, they were losing the case as long as Eichmann kept answering he "was just following orders."  Finally they found an order signed by Eichmann directing his followers to force march a group of Jews to camps and their deaths.  Bingo!  He ordered a crime, so he was convicted.  The fact is "just following orders" is an excuse accepted by Governments worldwide.  (Smart operatives ask for the orders in writing, because superiors have a tendency to deny they ever issued the order.)

In the USA we have gotten rid of this problem, now even if you order a crime, there is no sanction if you work for the government.  And if some smart-alecky Israeli or other country tries to prosecute a Dick Chaney at the Hague, well...  the President is authorized to invade the Hague.

Nonetheless, "just following orders" is still the fallback position for people abusing their authority.  Let's listen in to example # 3, 9803, 3882, 7625, 0944, 3816.

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