Monday, September 29, 2014

The Ebola Scam

Liberia was set up by the USA as a "ship 'em back to Africa" thing, in order to keep manumitted slaves freed in USA from allowing current slaves to know Americans of African ancestry could actually handle freedom.  Can't have that.  And as if paying quite a price to become an American, they were not Americans.

We now have an africa Command, and it needs something to do, so we make up stories about boogie men, Boku Harum, the Khorasam group, and ebola crises.  This is how it works:
Here in Liberia, everyone is excited about the millions of US dollars being poured in to “fight Ebola,” and everyone wants a piece of the pie.  A certain NGO out in rural Liberia quarantined a village, claiming they’d tested and found three cases. They applied for and received US$ 250,000 to fight Ebola in this village.  They brought in a few sacks of rice and some chlorine.  The villagers mobbed the trucks and carried off the plunder.  And, miracle of miracles, not a single person died in the village.
Great effort at treating and controlling Ebola?  Or pretending there’s Ebola in order to pocket some easy cash?  I’ve never heard of a 0% fatality rate for Ebola, but you make the call.
The doctor in the article is too nice.  As long as people are dying, then there is a crisis that the USA military MUST solve.  For a insiders report on the evil of NGOs, read Michael Maren's The Road to Hell.    It's listed on the left of this page as one of my basic readings for those in int'l trade, scroll down, get it read it.  He has never been disputed as to the names named and events portrayed.

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