Thursday, October 2, 2014

IMF Warns World About German Threat

The Wall Street Journal warns that Germany poses an economic threat to USA because it is not groveling before the Hegemon.
Fostering growth where exports far outweigh imports means that expansion comes at the expense of other economies. Instead of encouraging German domestic consumers to boost growth in its weaker eurozone members, for example, Berlin’s economic policies have hindered Europe’s recovery, the IMF and U.S. officials have repeatedly warned.
On the face of it the statement is astonishing economic ignorance. It assumes world economy is a zero-sum game, and the pie is strictly limited.  If one gets more, another gets less.  Nonsense, except in the measure the world economy is in lockdown by the Hegemon, it is true.

Germany is supposed to lose in this scenario to compliment the unquestioned wisdom of USA policy.

People whose PhDs in economics are full of math formulae explaining how people will react are in charge of the economy, and believe they can "get it right."  Or they know they cannot, but how else will they earn $250,000 a year with no responsibility and no sanction for being wrong?

I run a trade deficit with Trader Joe's.  I buy lots form them, and they never buy anything from me.  Am I a loser in this case?  Is Trader Joe's wicked?  Of course not, but WWIII is brewing over such ideas from the Hegemon.

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