Friday, October 24, 2014

Is China Leading the World in Economic Development?

China stats are doubtful, but the 3rd world trade is growing. How much of this is facilitated by China?
“Developing countries now account for half of the intermediate goods trade – which is a standard measure of global value chains. And south-south trade accounts for a quarter,” said WTO Director-General Roberto Azevedo in opening remarks at the presentation of the document in Geneva.
The report points out that since 2000, the GDP per capita in developing nations increased by 4.7 percent and only by 0.9 percent in developed countries.
Between 2000 and 2011, developing countries also increased their share of world agricultural exports from 27 percent to 36 percent.
We used to be leading trade development the world wide.  Food was once our #1 export.  These are fundamental shifts that are going unnoticed.  This makes for unforeseeable opportunities, discoverable only be "search and learn."

Use MOQ FOB to search and learn.

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