Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Swiss To Vote on Gold

The Swiss will have a referendum to return to gold-standard-lite, which will put it light years ahead of everyone else, so in a relative good position in a crash.
Between 1970 and 2008 the Swiss Franc appreciated by 330% to the dollar and 57% to the DM/Euro. So for almost 40 years a very strong Swiss currency went hand in hand with a strong economy. In spite of this proven success, the new guard in the SNB decided to abandon proven successful policies and print money like most other countries.
Why did they inflate when they know better?  Because it was tradable, meaning there was some money to be made, even on a bad deal, as long as you know how and when to get out.  Wall Street was/is full of such investors, knowing full well the game is a sham, but accepting is as the best game in town to make as much money as possible, and as they say, tradable.   Buy and sell, make money, who cares about the rest?

It will be interesting to see the results, and if in fact inherently corrupt markets are "tradable."

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