Thursday, October 30, 2014

U S Kettle Calls China Black

As to the WTO etc, the rules are for everyone else, not USA.  This gives China a huge advantage when they deal with 3rd countries, who find China far better to deal with than USA.
One example is Washington’s continued use of so-called “non-market economy methodology” when deciding whether Chinese goods are being “dumped” into the U.S. market at unfairly low prices.  The designation is a holdover from the Cold War that exists today only because its mystical formula enables U.S. officials to impose higher punitive tariffs to protect inefficient domestic industries.
The practice is actually illegal under World Trade Organization rules. But when China joined the organization in 2001, the United States insisted that an exception be created, allowing it to continue discriminating against Chinese imports for 15 years. Time has passed, and unless the United States government changes its practice by the end of 2016, it will be in flagrant violation of U.S. trade obligations.
Unfortunately, the United States is almost certainly not going to comply.  There is a shameful history of law-breaking by U.S. trade officials abusing the non-market economy methodology.  Both U.S. law and international trade rules have been consistently stretched or outright ignored for decades, and there is little indication that this trend will change.
The U.S. government tries to justify its discriminatory treatment of Chinese imports by claiming that Beijing is in fact still a non-market economy.
As if the USA has a market economy.  If it did, it would not be in perma-recession.  All these exceptions and exemptions makes USA industry weaker competitively, so they need to be kept on life support like Solyndra and ExIm Bank creatures.

The answer is unilateral trade policy, "free trade" agreements are nothing of the sort, they only advance fascism.

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