Thursday, January 22, 2015

2015 Agenda - Deo Volente

Stepping away from blogging helped give me some perspective - plus time to prepare another book.  Books are funny things, not like a pregnancy where you can get pretty close to a due date, but like a Frankenstein, not sure when it will work, and not sure what you will get.  I do believe, and am driven by, it will be the right book at the right time for anyone engaging in small business in USA today.  I am finished writing, now I am editing, and there is much more to do.  So to answer the question, when?, all I can say, is when it is finished.

As to blogging, this blog anyway, I've decided to focus where I am unique, and I have three agenda items to work on this year in blogging: 1. Money and credit.  2. Small Biz int'l trade. 3. A New Hong Kong in USA.

If it does not relate to these three, I won't write on it... and anyway there are better sources who cover other important topics - may I recommend -

David Stockman


Pepe Escobar

China Daily

Cobden Center

Lew Rockwell

If it is important, these guys are talking about it.

Now, these people are commenting on news from their perspective. If you are developing a business, you need to be doing the same thing.  You need to create your own news roundup - collect and distribute original content.  In so doing, you will emerge as a leader on your topic (your business).  How?

Well, here is a short video on how to do this.

I'll be reading those sources linked above too, and where I disagree, I'll blog on what they say, sometimes.  But on to my agenda:

1. Money and credit.  Our problems are arising from ahem, "errors" in our economic system, the patterns and practices that we have selected and we call "capitalism."  In the raging debate, a pox on both houses, the left and right wing.  There is a well documented alternative, called free markets, but almost no discussion on the topic for the simple fact the bad guys on both sides of the debate will not (or cannot) define terms correctly.  As Pynchon noted, all you have to do is get them to ask the wrong question, then their answer does not matter.  Define the terms incorrectly, and you cannot even formulate the right question.  It is an unlucky world in which it falls to me to be the one who defines terms correctly and asks the right questions.  But it is the biggest problem out there.

2. Small business international trade in general and food in particular.  This is my main topic, and I teach write and consult on this on the side, as in this blog, as well as trade on my own account (self-employed, or as I prefer, customer-employed).  As lecturing, I don't have to work much on this since the only thing I have to do to prepare for a lecture is to check my zipper. As to food, the pendulum is swinging back from "get big or get out" to "small is beautiful" so my small efforts have outsized results when I help food traders.  As a part of this, I'll emphasize selling, something of a lost art. Again, all small business int'l trade as usual, just a side-emphasis on food as well.

3. Truth Commissions.  There is so much criminality at every level of the USA we need some means of wholesale rectification.  Truth commissions, in which the defendant is immune as long as they confess all before they are indicted, is a good way to get it all out on the table and let the delusional see how their country actually works.  Gotta start with the truth, and even include capital crimes.

4. Trade shows.  I did not realize until attending a few trade shows recently in other peoples' booths how far down we have come regarding creating and working trade shows.  Such waste and wasted opportunity.  I'll present corrections.

5. A New Hong Kong in USA.  Hong Kong and USA were formed at the same time with the same idea.  Hong Kong pretty much stayed the course, USA has veered wildly off into totalitarianism in general and fascism in particular. That may sound provocative, but the proper academic term for big business and big government being one is fascism.  And see those brass icons to the left and the right of the flag?  Those are adopted from the Roman Senate, they are called Fasces, a bundle of rods around an battle ax.  Bound tightly together, it cannot be broken.  We don't need fascism, let's get at least part of the USA territory back to its roots.  Radical comes from the word meaning root.  Yes, I guess that makes me an American radical.

Who knows how come but I received a last minute contract to present on small business food exporting to the Indian Agricultural Council (as in American Indian) in Las Vegas in mid-December.  Vegas terrifies me, but the seminar was delightful.  I have long imagined that if capitalist USA is to ever have its own Hong Kong, just as communist China has Hong Kong, then an Indian reservation would be the place, and almost necessarily a port city.  Well there is one, the Puyallup own most of the Port of Tacoma, or enough to take it over.  Their reservation is technically huge, and would include McChord Air Force base, given them their own international airport as well.  The Indians across the country are rethinking their relationship to Uncle Sam, and Uncle Sam would do well to give its biggest critics an opportunity to escape to anarchy, as did Communist China: a Hong Kong.

President Hillary Clinton will be the kind of leader who would negotiate such a treaty, so she could have a freer hand to do what she needs to do.  Jeb will run only to keep the people yearning for the Bush family leadership, being groomed for the 2024 elections.

Go Hillary!

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