Sunday, March 15, 2015

Apple iWatch Knocked Off Already

There is a $50 knock-off version of the $350 Apple iWatch available in Shenzhen, but necessarily it has android OS cuz to knock off the Apple OS will get the thing rendered inoperable when it tries to talk to Apple.  This operability issue is an unseen version of traceability.

Since no one buying a fake iWatch will be fooled as to its provenance, Apple ought to view this as free advertising as Lagerfeld views knock-offs sold in alleys in NYC of his Chanel designs.  Even if knock-offs become a billion dollar business, not one dime is Apple out.  So not one dime ought to be spent preventing it, especially on the taxpayers tab.

The iWatch strikes me as a turning point in Apple, when it becomes clear if not technologically, but leadership-wise, the change from Jobs to Cook begins to matter.  In announcing final details on the watch, cook in a demonstration used it to make a phone call in front of the crowd.  After the connection made, he enthused:
"I've been wanting to do this since I was 5 years old, the day is finally here," Cook said about the watch's ability to make and receive phone calls.
To tepid response from the audience, to a man with something far better in their hands at that moment, the smart phone.

When Steve Jobs called something "insanely great" it was.

There is another Apple offer, Apple Pay.  For the first tie in its history, Apple is going where the market is not going, Apple Pay.  Jobs would have known this.  all of the early adopters of Apple pay (check the website) are all credit queens (of course) and in credit deflation, instant pay is a bad idea for the customer, whose cash will be king.  Who is going to pay a premium to be abused.

And if hackers can mechanically insert a reader into gas pump card readers to hijack credit card details, then sticking a tiny radio station to a Apple Pay reader is going to be easier.

Of course I have been wrong before, but I am testing a hypothesis.

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