Monday, March 16, 2015

Hillary's Servers

You'll only hear it here, although it is extremely simple.

Hillary held a press conference on the question of her servers at the United nations, where almost no USA reporters can get in to attend.  Softball questions from reporters who could.

What do we know?

1. Hillary had her own servers set up in her "home."

2. Hillary had several emails at least.

3. She claims to have used these for only personal business.

4. She is lying.

5. The NSA spies on all communication, at all times, and having your own server at home changes nothing.

(As all things Clinton, there is 100 layers of lie on top of the story, such as "servers at home" a point that is irrelevant but will serve a couple of days of media coverage when the "investigations" proceed.)

So having said that, start with this:

A. The Clintons outed their own servers.

B. Now they are officially on record as possessing all of those "back channel" emails with movers and shakers world wide on their servers, under their control.

C. The fact that some officials are calling for their disclosure is golden: it makes it seem the Clintons have what the NSA does not already have.

D. The NSA has it too, which deflates the NSAs power since the threat of something is always far more powerful than the actual.  The NSA cannot threaten the Clintons, since the Clintons already have what the NSA might use as a threat.  We all know that all politicians and judges and priests etc are all terrified of what the NSA can produce about them.  The Clintons are saying "We are not afraid of you, i it matters, we got it too."  In a "leak war" the Clintons can martial far better forces at narrative (Hollywood) and selective leaks than the NSA (Provo, UT.)

E.  All world leaders who can recall what they said in emails to Clintons are now on notice Clintons still have records.  All world leaders have rivals.  Rivals would love to get ahold of what their rival said to the Clintons.  More power to the Clintons, and they manage internal disputes.  Expect a parallel intelligence agency, which freezes out the renegade CIA/FBI/NSA/ETC.

F. There is not enough time between now and Hillary's election for this to be any problem for Hillary.  No one knows from election cycles better than the Clinton machine.

That vast left-wing conspiracy, the USA government, will breathe a sigh of relief when the spooks are taken down a notch.  The legislative and the judiciary will cling to the Clintons for their control of the renegade spooks.

Hillary has two ways to become "great"  One is economic, and her husband knows that game. The second, the one stated regret of Bill, was 9-11 happened not on his watch.  Neither he nor hillary will allow such a regret.  To be a great president, you'll have to be a war president.

Sack cloth and ashes.

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